
Monday, January 25, 2010

○○○what is privacy protection and law?○○○

Privacy protection and law Like the Freedom of Information Law, the Personal Privacy Protection Law requires that an applicant reasonably describe the records sought. ...
While currently there is no national law to protect the privacy of the information you share online, federal law and state law do offer some protection . . . .

○○○what is privacy?○○○

The word "Privacy" has been used to describe many concerns
with the modern world. It is a complex concept even before other concerns are lumped with it. ...
Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to keep their lives and personal affairs out of public view, or to control the flow of information
. . . .

Monday, January 18, 2010

IT workers are professional,yes or no?

yes IT workers are professional because they have finish her/him there course they also called
IT workers as a professional because IT workers study hard about computer..

Monday, January 11, 2010

"The computer criminals and thier objectives?"

The circle of computer criminals is not limited. ... reason of criminal activity, and expresses attitude of a person to the object of criminal activity [3]. ... The traces left at the place of crime testify the features of their social ... Computer criminals are people who are ambitious with impressive educational credential ,

zero-day attack?

A "zero day" attack occurs on or before the first or "zeroth" day of vendor awareness, meaning the vendor has not had any opportunity to disseminate. . .
zero day attack also known as "zero hour"
attack is a computer threat that exposes undisclosed or unpatched computer application vulnerabilities.

Monday, January 4, 2010

What would you do?

for my own opinion ahhmp..if i will a IT security consultant for 90 days at the manufacturing company. the 1,000,000 dollar budget i will deposit at bangko de oro. . hahaha